- Information
- city in Ozolian Locris
- Cult site of
- 👤 Castor (Spartan) 👥 the Couretes (guardians) 👤 Polydeuces (Spartan) 👥 the Cabeiroi
- Place of burial of
- 👤 Andraimon (Calydonian) 👤 Gorge (Calydonian) 👤 Amphissa (eponym)
- Eponym
- 👤 Amphissa (eponym)
- Relics preserved on site
- 🏛️ the Tomb of Amphissa (Amphissa) 🏛️ the Tomb of Andraimon and Gorge (Amphissa)
- Encompases
- 🏛️ the Tomb of Amphissa (Amphissa) 🏛️ the Tomb of Andraimon and Gorge (Amphissa)
- Related Entities
- 👤 Andraimon (Calydonian) 👤 Castor (Spartan) 👥 the Couretes (guardians) 👤 Gorge (Calydonian) 👤 Polydeuces (Spartan) 👤 Thoas (Aitolian) 👥 the Phocian Contingent at Troy (attackers) 🌍 Troy (Troad) 🌍 Anemoreia (Phocis) 🌍 Lilaia (Phocis) 👥 the Cabeiroi 👤 Amphissa (eponym) 🌍 Abai (Phocis) 🌍 Amphissa (Ozolian Locris) 🏛️ the Tomb of Amphissa (Amphissa) 🏛️ the Tomb of Andraimon and Gorge (Amphissa) 🏺 the Statue of Standing Athena
- Mentioned by
- 📖 Lycophron, Alexandra 1067-1074 📖 Pausanias 10.38.4-10.38.7
- Mentioned in Text
- Lycophron, Alexandra Pausanias